Denvention 3

I’ll be attending the 2008 Worldcon in Denver this week, August 6th-August 10th.  The Denvention site describes the event as “a five day celebration of the science fiction field. Previous Denventions were held in Denver in 1941 and 1981; this will be the first Denvention of the new Millennium. Denvention will attract several thousand science fiction readers from around the world . . . .”
My scheduled appearances: 
Broad Universe RapidFire Reading Saturday @ 1pm in the CCC room 503
Signing in the CCC Hall D Saturday @ 4:45. 
I also plan to attend the Codex Writers’ Group breakfast on Saturday morning and to hang out near the Hadley Rille Books table in the dealers’ room at least a bit.  Other than that, it’s fly-by-the-seat time.
If you see me around please come say hello.