Fan mail from Italy!

You know how “Flaming Marshmallow and Other Deathswas released in Italy as part of the MACHINE OF DEATH juggernaut?  Well, emails are trickling in from people enjoying the Italian version of the book and the story, and that, my friends, is awesome.

For those who may have missed it, the Machine of Death crew has posted some lovely photos of the brand-spanking-new Spanish version below.  Am eagerly awaiting my copy in the mail. . . .

“Flaming Marshmallow and Other Deaths” in translation

From the Machine of Death site:

These pictures are of the press kit for the upcoming Italian version of MOD1, La Macchina della Morte! … I hope the book does well in Italy when it comes out next year! Tell all your friends in Italy to buy a copy!

Oh and if you have friends in Germany, tell them to buy one too, when the German edition comes out in January.

Oh and if you have friends in Spain, tell them to buy one of the Spanish versions too.

If you have friends in France, you might as well tell them too.

Ditto for all your friends in Croatia, Korea, Japan, and Israel.

That’s right — there will be eight different foreign editions of MOD1 coming out next year across the world. . . ”

Machine of Death opens with my story “Flaming Marshmallow and Other Deaths.” This one has already appeared in audio at Escape Pod and in print in my collection, PUSH OF THE SKY. Fly, little story! Fly!