Hey, hip kiddies and cool cats! I’m hanging around NORWESCON this weekend, March 28-31, in gorgeous Seattle, Washington. Want to come talk about writing specfic poetry? Come see me this Friday at 10am. Want to hear me READ specfic poetry? Come to the Poetry Reading panel Friday, 5-6pm.  If you want to hear a discussion titled “Why Do Girls Love Villains?” then join us Friday at 11am.  Interested in preparing for the zombie apocalypse? Swing by our End-Of-Days discussion Friday at 6pm.

Got something for me to sign? Find me at the mass autograph session  Saturday, 2pm-3pm. Or help us Save The World One Thrift Store At A Time on Saturday, noon-1pm. If you (like me) are a Logan’s Run fanatic, you can come make moon-eyes at my co-panelist Mr. William F. Nolan at the Guilty Pleasures panel on Sunday, 11am-noon. Other than Saturday morning’s Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading, you know where to find me. . . (#barcon)

bu flyer 2013