“Or Current Resident” at Great Jones Street

or-current-residentThis cover for my story “Or Current Resident” made me snort tea through my nose.

Monday through Friday afternoon at six minutes past four, the same man in the same combat boots and blue shorts walks up Lula’s driveway, reaches into his satchel, and slides his delivery through her slot…

This was written as a Great Jones Street original. Nobody dies!

Direct story short link: https://www.greatjonesstreet.press/current-resident-alexandra-renwick/


The Life of an Artifact in Duodecadal Glances


There’s an exquisite pleasure in communing with bees. That’s how I think of gardening as I watch the slow bumble of a black and yellow fuzzpot in his swollen pollen jodhpurs amble in and out of crimson-petaled cups I planted for exactly this…


Go read my interstitial sudden fictions sequence “The Life of an Artifact in Duodecadal Glances” over at Map Literary. This piece is the full version of the segment which was part of my mini-collection We Beautiful Terrible Beasts, a finalist for the Rachel Wetzsteon Chapbook Prize.

story link: http://www.mapliterary.org/alexandra-renwick-the-life-of-an-artifact-in-duodecadal-glances.html

“the monsieur” in the baltimore review

wielki_lester_1904My story “The Monsieur” is live over at The Baltimore Review. Can’t stand between a boy and his dummy…

He’d never held a ventriloquist’s dummy before. It was lighter than he expected. The Monsieur’s clothes were straight out of old French cinema, suited to black and white canal shots with lots of fog: the antique sailor-stripe knit shirt; the miniature wool beret. The red polkadot scarf knotted at the wooden throat brought the term neckerchief to mind. Though the carved wood features—hooked nose, bushy eyebrows, deep-etched lines around the mouth—were clearly those of an old man, Nate had expected the dummy to weigh the same as one of his nephews. Back when he’d lived in his sister’s basement the nephews had been young enough to still want to clamber up onto Nate’s knee. The oldest, only three, would climb into Nate’s lap and stare at Nate’s face with solemn eyes, sucking his thumb while Nate tried to make conversation as he would with someone his own age. So, what are you up to these days? Nate would ask. Seen any good movies lately?

Direct link to “The Monsieur.”