Cascade Writers Workshop, July 2015

If you’ve ever had the yen to submit yourself to the crucible of Milford-style workshopping and the waters of intensive writers retreat/workshops, now’s a swell time to consider the Cascade Writers gig just outside of Seattle. Late July is a great month for it – I mean, if you’re ever going to take time away from work, school, or reality, that would be the now. Unlike other workshops, this one is open for all writers of all interests, at all early career stages. Very inclusive, which is a balm to my recovering punk anti-establishment soul. Join Tor editor Claire Eddy, editor Laura Anne Gilman, authors JA Pitts, Shannon Page, Mark Ferrari, Alex C. Renwick (hey-hey!), Everett Maroon, Laura Anne Gilman, and Randy Henderson for a full lineup of workshops, classes, and one-on-one sessions.

jay lake, firing his hair before ii quits | photo by alex c. renwick
jay lake, firing his hair before ii quits | photo by alex c. renwick

jay_haircut jay haircut 2Those interested in joining the workshop (come ask me there about anything you want! pen-names! editing anthologies! the lonely road to poetry! noir! westerns! weird antisocial cross-genre behaviors!) should know about the Jay Lake Memorial Scholarship.

In memory of the ebullience of our friend Jay, here are a couple pics I took of him getting his head shaved down the street from my house in the uberhip Hawthorne strip.